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Tribute to Abimbola Kuru at 60


Exalted are You (O Allah) Of knowledge we have none except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise. (Quran 2:32)


 By Babatunde Jose

Ar-Rahman is one of ninety-nine names of Allah and refers to his attribute of being the most merciful, and the most gracious. Surah Rahman is the 55th chapter of the Qur’an, and 78 ayat in length.


The composition of Surah Rahman is entirely in saj’, a form of early Arabic poetry which is characterized by rhythm as well as rhyme. The most popular verse which is repeated 31 times throughout the 78 verses is the saying, _fabi ayyi ala i rabbikuma tukazziban, “which of the favors of your lord will ye deny?”_


After careful study of Chapter 55 of Al-Quran, we notice that there are five distinct areas that exemplify Allah’s Mercy, i.e design and balance, wonders in creation, the end of the world, Hell, and Paradise. Great focus is given to the glory of Allah’s design of the living and the non-living and the wonders of the universe. 


The parts of the chapter that examine the end of the world and hell are brief but nonetheless convey a clear and strong message. The theme of Paradise gathers much attention and is noted as a hallmark of this Surah. 


The first four verses describe Allah’s creation of man, the knowledge of the Quran instilled upon man, and the skill of communication endowed to man. The imagery then starts with elements of Allah’s design on earth, such as fruit, corn, and plants. A few examples of the perfect balance of the universe follow – the synchronization of the cycles of the sun and moon and the movements of the stars and trees. 


Allah created perfect order in the universe for all his creatures to follow and abide by it. The next set of verses focuses on various wonders of the world that exemplify the Glory of Allah. Such wonders include the locations of the sunrise and sunset, the natural separation between salt water and fresh water, and the production of pearl and coral. There is great emphasis on Allah’s ownership over all these phenomena. 


Verse 24 reminds us that even manmade devices like ships essentially belong to the Almighty Allah. 


Following the descriptions of Allah’s creation are images of the Last Day, in which everything on earth will come to an end; all that remains will be the Face (Wajh) of the Lord. Verses 29 and 33 demonstrate jinn and man’s complete dependence on Allah and their failure without Him. 


Verses 35 and 37 hold vivid depictions of the turmoil and awe of the end of the world including flashes of fire and smoke and the sky torn apart and turned red. Verse 39 states that the sins of jinn and men will be made so clear that they will not need to be questioned.


A far more astonishing wonder for the purpose of this narrative is in the development of the human embryos. In Quran 32, Surah As-Sajdah, we read:

*Man, We did create from a quintessence (of clay); Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature. So blesses be Allah, the Best to create! (Quran 23:12-14)*


The wonders which occur during the nine-month gestation period are unsurpassable. These wonders exemplify the rendering of the first four verses of Surah Rahman. During the first four weeks of the new life, billions of cells are formed, and they arrange themselves according to a fascinating plan to shape the new human being: A dramatic new development occurs; the first blood vessels appear. A few days later another wonderful event takes place: Within the tiny breast of the 1.7 mm long embryo two blood vessels join to form the heart, which begins to pump blood through the miniscule body. The tiny new heart provides the developing brain with blood and oxygen. In the fourth month, the heart of the foetus already pumps almost 30 litres of blood per day, and at birth this volume will increase to about 350 litres.


In the embryonic stage, lungs, eyes, and ears develop, although they are not used yet. After two months, the embryo is only three to four centimeters long. It is so small that it could literally fit inside a walnut shell, but even at this stage all organs are already present. During the following months the organs increase in size and assume their eventual shape. Allahu Akbar!


How is it possible that embryonic development does not entail disorderly growth of cells, but is systematic and purposeful according to a set timetable? A precise plan, in which all stages are programmed in the finest detail, underlies all these processes. Surely, there is God!


Having said all these, Man is a most ungrateful and inconsiderate being. He steals from his fellow man and even commits other transgressions in the name of God. He is a liar, cheat, fornicator, and a reveler in the sinful ways of life. Like our political leaders, Man is often not worth the value of the skin that covers his lips. Yet, Man forgets all that Allah has said in the Quran Chapter 76 Al-Insan (The Human Being):

*Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing–(not even) mentioned? Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts) of Hearing and Sight.  We showed him the Way: Whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).  For the Rejecters We have prepared Chains, Yokes, and a Blazing Fire. (Quran 76:1-4)*


It is Allah – as the “All-Beneficent, Most Gracious” – Who reveals and teaches the Qur’an, creates man, and teaches him eloquent speech; Who orders the sun and the moon to their movements, and creates the stars and trees to prostrate; and Who establishes “the Balance” of each and everything, starting with the Heavens. 


In other words, it is “The All-Beneficent (Most Gracious)” Who causes all existence, orders it, nourishes it, and keeps it within certain bounds or limits because of His Most Beneficent and Most Gracious nature. This very Name of Allah is therefore the very substance and fabric of existence (wujood), and it is this Truth/Reality which this beautiful Surah compels us to remember and to live by. 


It is in this very context that as human witnesses to this Truth, we are called to recognize all these as Divine “favours” and are asked by Allah in “rhetorical fashion” and through a compelling appeal, to never deny His favours: *“Then (O jinn and mankind), which of the favours of your Lord do you both deny?”.*

Human beings have a weakness of ignoring the truth. We know that everything is perishable, yet we remain madly in pursuit of the worldly riches and comforts. We should be aware that whatever we have in this life is not permanent — our family and friends might leave us, good health might decline, our wealth might perish, and so on. Yet, we remain proud and arrogant. 


Gratitude is the greatest way to live for those who possess high ranks of righteousness, and such people did not reach these lofty ranks except through their gratitude; this is because belief consists of two halves: one half is gratitude and the other is perseverance.


Gratitude is to acknowledge being treated well by Allah; it is also to praise the One who has done one many favours. It also entails displaying the effect of the favours of Allah upon a person by believing with one’s heart, uttering praise, and glorifications of Allah by one’s tongue, and to use one’s limbs in the worship and obedience of Allah. If only a few favours are worthy of a great deal of gratitude, how would the case be when favours are abundant? People are either grateful or ungrateful.


This is where my amiable and loving sister, Lateefa Abimbola Kuru, comes in. On Monday December 5, 2022, she will be 60 years old and in the best of health. The guiding principle in her life is the question: Which of the favours of my Lord will I deny? Bola is an epitome of acceptance and gratefulness to God. She is an example per excellence of submission to the will of Allah. A kind sister and a loving and caring mother, Bola is everything good to everybody.


We wish her all the best that she asks from Allah and pray that Allah will preserve her and bless her new age. May she always have cause to thank Allah.


Barka Juma’at and a happy weekend.

Babatunde Jose

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Celebrity Code

Serena Williams

Serena Williams is an American former professional tennis player. Born: 26 September 1981, Serena is 40 years. She bids farewell to tennis. We love you SERENA.


Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

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Tribute to Abimbola Kuru at 60


Exalted are You (O Allah) Of knowledge we have none except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise. (Quran 2:32)


 By Babatunde Jose

Ar-Rahman is one of ninety-nine names of Allah and refers to his attribute of being the most merciful, and the most gracious. Surah Rahman is the 55th chapter of the Qur’an, and 78 ayat in length.


The composition of Surah Rahman is entirely in saj’, a form of early Arabic poetry which is characterized by rhythm as well as rhyme. The most popular verse which is repeated 31 times throughout the 78 verses is the saying, _fabi ayyi ala i rabbikuma tukazziban, “which of the favors of your lord will ye deny?”_


After careful study of Chapter 55 of Al-Quran, we notice that there are five distinct areas that exemplify Allah’s Mercy, i.e design and balance, wonders in creation, the end of the world, Hell, and Paradise. Great focus is given to the glory of Allah’s design of the living and the non-living and the wonders of the universe. 


The parts of the chapter that examine the end of the world and hell are brief but nonetheless convey a clear and strong message. The theme of Paradise gathers much attention and is noted as a hallmark of this Surah. 


The first four verses describe Allah’s creation of man, the knowledge of the Quran instilled upon man, and the skill of communication endowed to man. The imagery then starts with elements of Allah’s design on earth, such as fruit, corn, and plants. A few examples of the perfect balance of the universe follow – the synchronization of the cycles of the sun and moon and the movements of the stars and trees. 


Allah created perfect order in the universe for all his creatures to follow and abide by it. The next set of verses focuses on various wonders of the world that exemplify the Glory of Allah. Such wonders include the locations of the sunrise and sunset, the natural separation between salt water and fresh water, and the production of pearl and coral. There is great emphasis on Allah’s ownership over all these phenomena. 


Verse 24 reminds us that even manmade devices like ships essentially belong to the Almighty Allah. 


Following the descriptions of Allah’s creation are images of the Last Day, in which everything on earth will come to an end; all that remains will be the Face (Wajh) of the Lord. Verses 29 and 33 demonstrate jinn and man’s complete dependence on Allah and their failure without Him. 


Verses 35 and 37 hold vivid depictions of the turmoil and awe of the end of the world including flashes of fire and smoke and the sky torn apart and turned red. Verse 39 states that the sins of jinn and men will be made so clear that they will not need to be questioned.


A far more astonishing wonder for the purpose of this narrative is in the development of the human embryos. In Quran 32, Surah As-Sajdah, we read:

*Man, We did create from a quintessence (of clay); Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature. So blesses be Allah, the Best to create! (Quran 23:12-14)*


The wonders which occur during the nine-month gestation period are unsurpassable. These wonders exemplify the rendering of the first four verses of Surah Rahman. During the first four weeks of the new life, billions of cells are formed, and they arrange themselves according to a fascinating plan to shape the new human being: A dramatic new development occurs; the first blood vessels appear. A few days later another wonderful event takes place: Within the tiny breast of the 1.7 mm long embryo two blood vessels join to form the heart, which begins to pump blood through the miniscule body. The tiny new heart provides the developing brain with blood and oxygen. In the fourth month, the heart of the foetus already pumps almost 30 litres of blood per day, and at birth this volume will increase to about 350 litres.


In the embryonic stage, lungs, eyes, and ears develop, although they are not used yet. After two months, the embryo is only three to four centimeters long. It is so small that it could literally fit inside a walnut shell, but even at this stage all organs are already present. During the following months the organs increase in size and assume their eventual shape. Allahu Akbar!


How is it possible that embryonic development does not entail disorderly growth of cells, but is systematic and purposeful according to a set timetable? A precise plan, in which all stages are programmed in the finest detail, underlies all these processes. Surely, there is God!


Having said all these, Man is a most ungrateful and inconsiderate being. He steals from his fellow man and even commits other transgressions in the name of God. He is a liar, cheat, fornicator, and a reveler in the sinful ways of life. Like our political leaders, Man is often not worth the value of the skin that covers his lips. Yet, Man forgets all that Allah has said in the Quran Chapter 76 Al-Insan (The Human Being):

*Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing–(not even) mentioned? Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts) of Hearing and Sight.  We showed him the Way: Whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).  For the Rejecters We have prepared Chains, Yokes, and a Blazing Fire. (Quran 76:1-4)*


It is Allah – as the “All-Beneficent, Most Gracious” – Who reveals and teaches the Qur’an, creates man, and teaches him eloquent speech; Who orders the sun and the moon to their movements, and creates the stars and trees to prostrate; and Who establishes “the Balance” of each and everything, starting with the Heavens. 


In other words, it is “The All-Beneficent (Most Gracious)” Who causes all existence, orders it, nourishes it, and keeps it within certain bounds or limits because of His Most Beneficent and Most Gracious nature. This very Name of Allah is therefore the very substance and fabric of existence (wujood), and it is this Truth/Reality which this beautiful Surah compels us to remember and to live by. 


It is in this very context that as human witnesses to this Truth, we are called to recognize all these as Divine “favours” and are asked by Allah in “rhetorical fashion” and through a compelling appeal, to never deny His favours: *“Then (O jinn and mankind), which of the favours of your Lord do you both deny?”.*

Human beings have a weakness of ignoring the truth. We know that everything is perishable, yet we remain madly in pursuit of the worldly riches and comforts. We should be aware that whatever we have in this life is not permanent — our family and friends might leave us, good health might decline, our wealth might perish, and so on. Yet, we remain proud and arrogant. 


Gratitude is the greatest way to live for those who possess high ranks of righteousness, and such people did not reach these lofty ranks except through their gratitude; this is because belief consists of two halves: one half is gratitude and the other is perseverance.


Gratitude is to acknowledge being treated well by Allah; it is also to praise the One who has done one many favours. It also entails displaying the effect of the favours of Allah upon a person by believing with one’s heart, uttering praise, and glorifications of Allah by one’s tongue, and to use one’s limbs in the worship and obedience of Allah. If only a few favours are worthy of a great deal of gratitude, how would the case be when favours are abundant? People are either grateful or ungrateful.


This is where my amiable and loving sister, Lateefa Abimbola Kuru, comes in. On Monday December 5, 2022, she will be 60 years old and in the best of health. The guiding principle in her life is the question: Which of the favours of my Lord will I deny? Bola is an epitome of acceptance and gratefulness to God. She is an example per excellence of submission to the will of Allah. A kind sister and a loving and caring mother, Bola is everything good to everybody.


We wish her all the best that she asks from Allah and pray that Allah will preserve her and bless her new age. May she always have cause to thank Allah.


Barka Juma’at and a happy weekend.

Babatunde Jose

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