“Verily, what reaches the momin of his good works and good acts, after his death, is the knowledge (benefitted from)… and a righteous child which he has left (behind him), or a book which he has given to inherit, or a place of worship which he has built, or a house for the homeless which he has built, or a canal which he has caused to be dug, or an act of charity which he has done out of his wealth while in his health and life. (The good effects thereof) reach him (even) after his death.” [Bayhaqi, Ibn Majah]
By Babatunde Jose
With the current exposure of the true color of our leaders, one is at a loss as to what goes on in their minds. How do they want history to judge them and what legacy do they want to leave behind? Are they really leaders or opportunists, carpetbaggers, or fortune hunters, buccaneers, or freebooters? Are they conscious of the need to put their footprints on the sands of time or do they want to engrave their names in the black book of history?
Leadership has been defined as a process through which a person influences and motivates others to get involved in accomplishment of a particular task. This simple definition, although universally accepted, fails to define the paths and ways of people who are deemed as great leaders. All great leaders had something unique about them and yet they were bound by greatness that helped them to lead masses to innovation and new ideologies.
Since the oldest times known to man, people and communities have been led by efficient leaders. Such men and women have been responsible for ushering their people into a new and more modern world as we know of it now. Although times have changed, the contributions of these great leaders cannot be forgotten and though practices and ways of doing things have changed as well, the ways of these great leaders cannot be overlooked. What made them great might still be applicable in today as it was in the past.
A good leader is what Steve Martin called “a mensch”: _A mensch is a person who is decent and honorable, a person of high integrity who has genuine caring for his fellow man. A mensch always looks for an opportunity to do good in life, to be of help to others and to give without regard for anything in return. A mensch doesn’t cut corners in their relationships with people. You always feel safe in the presence of a mensch because you instinctively know that they will not deceive you, undermine you or diminish you in any way. Being called a mensch is the ultimate compliment you can receive.”_
Strive to live your life as a mensch, and you’ll have left your greatest legacy for anyone who has met you. Our leaders today do not fit this billing. They are not only selfish, but inordinate in their self-aggrandizement. They are cheats and liars and at other times knaves and scoundrels. They have no sense of history because they lack vision and mission. This being so, they do not have a plan for the wellbeing of the people they profess to lead. Because they lack mission, they are oblivious to the need to leave a legacy. As far as they are concerned, they live for the moment.
Nigeria can burn to cinder, as far as they are concerned. All they are after is their large slice of the national cake and a nest egg for their nuclear family and the next generation. Unlike great men of history, whose characteristics were resilience, knowledge, people-skills, motivational approach and leading by example; foresight, vision, strategic planning, and the ability to lead people to success; determination, persistence, beliefs, and courage.
One of the greatest leaders of all time, Prophet Muhammad spearheaded the spread of Islam in and around Arabia. The foundation he laid for the religion of Islam was such that it has become the second largest and the fastest growing religion of the world today. He united a chaotic society in the name of morality and humanity and led his people out of severe persecution and mistreatment. He led his people to several migrations and successful victories in wars against armies much larger than theirs. His greatest leadership qualities were his courage, leading by example, motivational approach, persistence, and decision-making: However, the same cannot be said of his Arab successors who have today created a niche for themselves as terrorists.
Knowingly or unknowingly the world has been under the influence of some great personalities. Be it, MK Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, a plethora of such magnificent minds have showered us with their wisdom as well as achieved some extraordinary goals which are revered to date.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). Born in an ordinary Indian family in Gujrat, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a rebellious leader of a multitude of protests that aimed to liberate India. Moments like Civil Disobedience, Dandi March, and Quit India were his brainchild and cite his glory. Later, he was awarded the title of ‘Father of the Nation’.
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013). Greatness personified, was a revolutionary anti-apartheid, philanthropist, politician and one of the great leaders of the world, was the president of South Africa from 1994-1999. From being sentenced to life imprisonment in 1963 to a Nobel Prize for ending apartheid in the country in 1993, Nelson Mandela experienced it all.
Winston Churchill (1874-1965). Arguably the most successful wartime leader in history, was a master communicator and motivator. Hailing from a humble background, he set his sights high and accomplished his goals through grit, determination, and courage. Few leaders in history could communicate their thoughts and goals to their followers as concisely as Churchill could. His leadership strengths included: Passion, Courage, the ability and willingness to learn from his mistakes, perseverance, and staunch belief in his followers.
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968). Globally renowned for his speech ‘I Have a Dream’ in Washington, MLK is one of the most celebrated souls across the globe and is named among the great leaders of the world. Just like Gandhi, he also continued his struggles through the Civil Rights Movement for the Afro-Americans. He was a firm believer in Christianity, hence, thoroughly followed non-violence.
Mother Teresa (1910-1997). Born as Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in 1910, Mother Teresa has left a lasting dent in humankind. Because of her unforgettable devotion to empowering vulnerable groups, she has grabbed a notable mention in the list of great leaders of the world. She led a global community in her support which avidly worked for opening orphanages, clinics, etc around the world especially in India. She even received a Nobel Prize for her endeavors to overcome poverty.
Dalai Lama (1935-present). Being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is listed among the great leaders of the world. He was born on 6th July 1935 to a farming family in a small town in Tibet. For more than 50 years he has been tirelessly campaigning for non-violence, peace, and democracy.
There was Julius Caesar, easily one of the greatest military leaders of all time, Caesar was also one of the best political leaders the world has ever seen. He led several campaigns with numerous victories and was single-handedly responsible for the expansion of the Roman Empire. He was also responsible for reforming the Roman government and thus laying the foundation to a great empire. His greatest traits were his decisiveness, boldness, eagerness, motivation, opportunism, and strategic planning.
One cannot see our present crop of political leaders, meeting any of these standards or exhibiting any of these exemplary attributes. Singing _‘Ajekun iya’_ or coining moribund slogans, _’jeun soke’_, _’emi lokan’_, is not what historical legacies are made of. Building 50-bedroom hilltop mansions is not it either; or owning properties all over the place. Men of outstanding contributions to society are never remembered for the magnificence of their mansions, except for the Taj Mahal and the pyramids of Egypt, which are two of the ‘seven wonders’ of the world.
The legacy of leaders are measured by the quantum of change they bring to their societies and the index of human development. It is this yardstick that makes Adolf Hitler a greater leader than most charlatans who today parade themselves as leaders.
Although despised throughout the world, Adolf Hitler was responsible for one of the greatest economic and military expansions the world has ever seen. He successfully invaded more than 10 countries with his brilliant strategy and meticulous planning. His oratory skills, propaganda and planning made him a leader par excellence. The Volkswagen Beetle was born out of Hitler’s vision to give every German a means of mobility.
Instead of creating a lasting and enduring legacy, our people are busy perfecting the ignoble art of stealing from the ‘cookie jar’: A legacy of shame; and that is a pity.
May Allah deliver us from the hands of failed messiahs, Amen.
Barka Juma’at and happy weekend.