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By Babatunde Jose

Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe. It’s important to be both a good giver and a good receiver. Giving can inspire positive change and healing in a world so needing it. The attitudinal healing definition of giving and receiving comes from an egoless place.

The principles of giving are regular giving, participatory giving, intentional giving, proportional giving, anticipatory giving, effective giving, and accountable giving.

In the Christian faith, the forms of giving are; Tithe, Offertory, Pledges and Thanksgiving which we must give according to proportion and purpose, out of love, generosity, conviction and willingness, because God loves a cheerful giver.

It is written in *2 Corinthians 9:6-9* about the ‘The Cheerful Giver’: *The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency[b] in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”*

In Islam, giving and receiving are both encouraged, and are considered to have many benefits:
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught that giving charity, or sadaqah, brings blessings, or barakah, into one’s life. Those who give generously may be rewarded with gains, success, and a sense of prosperity.

The Quran says, *”Whatever good you send forth for your souls before you, you shall find it with Allah” (Quran 2:110).*

Among the benefits of giving to charity are: It makes you feel good; Giving to charity strengthens personal values, It’s more impactful than ever. Giving can reintroduce friends and family to the importance of generosity.

The spiritual definition of giving is that it reflects God’s character as a generous provider, emphasizing selflessness, generosity, and the desire to bless and assist needy people. Men are expected to model the behavior by giving according to the good books, which means giving freely, joyfully, and without anticipating anything in return.

The golden rule of giving is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The basic idea behind the Law of Giving and Receiving is to consciously participate in the dynamic flow of abundance that is the nature of life itself.

Generosity and acts of giving have been linked to improved mental health. Engaging in selfless actions can reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation, leading to greater overall well-being and happiness. Giving can strengthen interpersonal bonds.

What is the concept of giving? One is able to give to others without the assurance that he/she will receive something in return. Giving is only giving if it is done unconditionally. For a person to behave generously, the inner equivalent of gratitude has to be present. No person can act with generosity if there is not gratitude in his/her heart. He cannot give what he does not have.

For a Muslim, giving and receiving gifts is a righteous deed that can be a way to express love and respect, seek Allah’s blessings, and strengthen bonds between people:
• Gifts should be given with a pure intention, and not as a bribe or charity. The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said, “Actions are only judged according to the intentions behind them”.
• It’s considered impolite to refuse a gift, and it can hurt the other person. If you can’t reciprocate with a gift, you should at least respond with thanks.
• Gifts should be given in line with your financial means, and should be suitable to the other person’s needs and wishes.
• Avoid ostentation when giving gifts.
• Gifts promote harmony and love between Muslims.
• Giving to others can help you develop compassion and empathy for others.
• Giving to others is a reminder that nothing we own in this world belongs to us, and that it can be taken away just as easily as it was given.

When giving and receiving gifts it should be given with a sincere intention and be a means of expressing love and respect. Sadaqah literally means “righteousness” and refers to the voluntary giving of alms or charity. In Islamic terminology, sadaqah has been defined as an act of “giving”.

Gift-giving in Islam should always begin and be based on pure and sincere intention. Giving gifts is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. It is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and he recommended Muslims also do this. Aisha (ra) said: _”The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to accept gifts and reward people for giving them.”_

*I Was Sick But You Did Not Visit Me (Hadith Qudsi).* Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: _Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, ‘Son of Adam, I was sick but you did not visit Me. ‘My Lord, How could I visit You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was sick and you didn’t visit him? If you had visited him you would have found Me there. ’Then Allah will say, ‘Son of Adam, I needed food but you did not feed Me’. ‘My Lord, How could I feed You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was hungry but you did not feed him? If you had fed him you would have found its reward with Me.’ ‘Son of Adam, I was thirsty, but you did not give Me something to drink.’ ‘My Lord, How could I give a drink when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was thirsty but you did not give him a drink? If you had given him a drink, you would have found its reward with Me._ ‘ (Al-Bukhari)

Just as the Prophet (SAW) was sent as a mercy to mankind, so should we be a mercy to everyone whose lives we touch. In serving others and giving to others, we find our Lord. In His mercy, the path to Him is one of peace and improving the world around us. Only by helping others can we help ourselves. We cannot live a life of consumption and selfishness and expect to win the pleasure of Allah along the way.

It is out of the mercy and wisdom of Allah that He made serving others and creating a peaceful, compassionate earth one of the landmarks in the journey to Him. We cannot afford to ignore the suffering around us, because in those pleas for help is a call to getting closer to our Creator. In this hadith, the Prophet (SAW) tells us that if you ever hoped for a direct route to the pleasure of Allah, here it is.

Therefore, we have to revive our sensitivity to the simple acts of service we can do everyday. When we hear of someone who is sick or in need, the impulse that we feel to help should be so strong that it is impossible to ignore. Instead, many of us have desensitized ourselves to suffering because it is out of sync with the lifestyles we choose. At most, we may be persuaded to donate, but usually not more.

Yet, in the feeding of the poor, relieving the thirst and suffering, and comforting the sick lies an incredible closeness to Almighty Allah, so much that He says that He is there Himself, Glory to Him.

May Allah be pleased with us and grant us Jannatul Firdous here and in the Hereafter. Ameen

Barka Juma’at and Happy weekend

Babatunde Jose
Friday 15th November 2024

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Celebrity Code

Serena Williams

Serena Williams is an American former professional tennis player. Born: 26 September 1981, Serena is 40 years. She bids farewell to tennis. We love you SERENA.


Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

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By Babatunde Jose

Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe. It’s important to be both a good giver and a good receiver. Giving can inspire positive change and healing in a world so needing it. The attitudinal healing definition of giving and receiving comes from an egoless place.

The principles of giving are regular giving, participatory giving, intentional giving, proportional giving, anticipatory giving, effective giving, and accountable giving.

In the Christian faith, the forms of giving are; Tithe, Offertory, Pledges and Thanksgiving which we must give according to proportion and purpose, out of love, generosity, conviction and willingness, because God loves a cheerful giver.

It is written in *2 Corinthians 9:6-9* about the ‘The Cheerful Giver’: *The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency[b] in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”*

In Islam, giving and receiving are both encouraged, and are considered to have many benefits:
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught that giving charity, or sadaqah, brings blessings, or barakah, into one’s life. Those who give generously may be rewarded with gains, success, and a sense of prosperity.

The Quran says, *”Whatever good you send forth for your souls before you, you shall find it with Allah” (Quran 2:110).*

Among the benefits of giving to charity are: It makes you feel good; Giving to charity strengthens personal values, It’s more impactful than ever. Giving can reintroduce friends and family to the importance of generosity.

The spiritual definition of giving is that it reflects God’s character as a generous provider, emphasizing selflessness, generosity, and the desire to bless and assist needy people. Men are expected to model the behavior by giving according to the good books, which means giving freely, joyfully, and without anticipating anything in return.

The golden rule of giving is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The basic idea behind the Law of Giving and Receiving is to consciously participate in the dynamic flow of abundance that is the nature of life itself.

Generosity and acts of giving have been linked to improved mental health. Engaging in selfless actions can reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation, leading to greater overall well-being and happiness. Giving can strengthen interpersonal bonds.

What is the concept of giving? One is able to give to others without the assurance that he/she will receive something in return. Giving is only giving if it is done unconditionally. For a person to behave generously, the inner equivalent of gratitude has to be present. No person can act with generosity if there is not gratitude in his/her heart. He cannot give what he does not have.

For a Muslim, giving and receiving gifts is a righteous deed that can be a way to express love and respect, seek Allah’s blessings, and strengthen bonds between people:
• Gifts should be given with a pure intention, and not as a bribe or charity. The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said, “Actions are only judged according to the intentions behind them”.
• It’s considered impolite to refuse a gift, and it can hurt the other person. If you can’t reciprocate with a gift, you should at least respond with thanks.
• Gifts should be given in line with your financial means, and should be suitable to the other person’s needs and wishes.
• Avoid ostentation when giving gifts.
• Gifts promote harmony and love between Muslims.
• Giving to others can help you develop compassion and empathy for others.
• Giving to others is a reminder that nothing we own in this world belongs to us, and that it can be taken away just as easily as it was given.

When giving and receiving gifts it should be given with a sincere intention and be a means of expressing love and respect. Sadaqah literally means “righteousness” and refers to the voluntary giving of alms or charity. In Islamic terminology, sadaqah has been defined as an act of “giving”.

Gift-giving in Islam should always begin and be based on pure and sincere intention. Giving gifts is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. It is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and he recommended Muslims also do this. Aisha (ra) said: _”The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to accept gifts and reward people for giving them.”_

*I Was Sick But You Did Not Visit Me (Hadith Qudsi).* Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: _Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, ‘Son of Adam, I was sick but you did not visit Me. ‘My Lord, How could I visit You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was sick and you didn’t visit him? If you had visited him you would have found Me there. ’Then Allah will say, ‘Son of Adam, I needed food but you did not feed Me’. ‘My Lord, How could I feed You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was hungry but you did not feed him? If you had fed him you would have found its reward with Me.’ ‘Son of Adam, I was thirsty, but you did not give Me something to drink.’ ‘My Lord, How could I give a drink when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘Did you not know that one of My servants was thirsty but you did not give him a drink? If you had given him a drink, you would have found its reward with Me._ ‘ (Al-Bukhari)

Just as the Prophet (SAW) was sent as a mercy to mankind, so should we be a mercy to everyone whose lives we touch. In serving others and giving to others, we find our Lord. In His mercy, the path to Him is one of peace and improving the world around us. Only by helping others can we help ourselves. We cannot live a life of consumption and selfishness and expect to win the pleasure of Allah along the way.

It is out of the mercy and wisdom of Allah that He made serving others and creating a peaceful, compassionate earth one of the landmarks in the journey to Him. We cannot afford to ignore the suffering around us, because in those pleas for help is a call to getting closer to our Creator. In this hadith, the Prophet (SAW) tells us that if you ever hoped for a direct route to the pleasure of Allah, here it is.

Therefore, we have to revive our sensitivity to the simple acts of service we can do everyday. When we hear of someone who is sick or in need, the impulse that we feel to help should be so strong that it is impossible to ignore. Instead, many of us have desensitized ourselves to suffering because it is out of sync with the lifestyles we choose. At most, we may be persuaded to donate, but usually not more.

Yet, in the feeding of the poor, relieving the thirst and suffering, and comforting the sick lies an incredible closeness to Almighty Allah, so much that He says that He is there Himself, Glory to Him.

May Allah be pleased with us and grant us Jannatul Firdous here and in the Hereafter. Ameen

Barka Juma’at and Happy weekend

Babatunde Jose
Friday 15th November 2024

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Adebimpe Oyebade is a Nollywood star, who recently got married to a colleague, Lateef Adedimeji in a glamorous wedding.


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